*Disclaimer: Mom, I love you and I’m not trying to make you cry, I swear!!

For months and months we have all been anticipating saying goodbye, but I couldn’t have imagined it being as hard as today has been. I’ve been constantly on the verge of tears for the last couple days, and everything seems to be a trigger for my emotions. I believe the correct definition for my current state is “emotional wreck”? There’s nothing like sobbing your way through a crowded airport security line to get you unwanted attention from a bunch of strangers. I’ve said a lot of emotional goodbyes over the past month or so, but nothing was more difficult than hugging my parents goodbye and not know exactly when I’ll get a chance to see them next. 27 months feels like forever right now! I know I’ll be okay, I know they’ll be okay, and I know the distance will take a lot of adjustment. I really am excited to get started, but at the moment I feel sad. I’m not trying to write a sob story or throw myself a pity party, I mainly just want to express how grateful I am to have such a tight knit group of people by my side. I couldn’t be doing what I’m about to do without their constant support and encouragement. I wanted to take a quick second to recognize them (you know who you are). They have gone above and beyond to help me get prepared for leaving, and I can’t thank them enough! If you see any of my family members or bf/bffs around town over the next few months, give them an extra tight squeeze from me. They rock my world! I love y’all very much!

Now I’ve made myself cry all over again on a plane sitting next to strangers. I’ve got to stop doing that. Accepting any and all tips on how to pull it together!

Next for me-

I’m about to land in Philadelphia, PA and hit the ground running. Saturday morning we’ll be leaving for Uganda! If you don’t hear from me for some time don’t be discouraged. It might take me a little bit to get back online after getting situated, but I’ll post another update as soon as I can!

Thanks for all the texts, calls, encouraging comments, letters, hugs, and all the shoulders I’ve cried on. It’s greatly appreciated and has not gone unnoticed!!

Until next time,


*The contents of this website are mine personally and do not reflect any position of the U.S. Government or the Peace Corps.