



Hi! My name is Cowan Angell, and I am currently a volunteer for the United States Peace Corps! I accepted an invitation to serve in Peace Corps Uganda as a community health specialist. Located in East Africa, Uganda is fondly referred to as “the Pearl of Africa” for its magnitude of resources and natural attractions. I left my home in Alabama, USA on May 31, 2019 to begin my 27 months of service. The purpose of this website is to document my experiences over the next two years to help people like you gain a better understanding of Ugandans and the work of the Peace Corps. Follow along with my volunteer work through this blog and feel free to subscribe at the bottom of the page to receive email notifications for new posts. Thanks for stopping by!


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Lessons on Community

Hi again! Finding time to sit down and compile my thoughts seems to be a challenge for me. Things are going well here, and I feel like I have been nonstop busy. The beginning of November marks the start of month number FIVE in country! I’m not sure how this much time...

New Beginnings (a thorough recap)

Hey there! Thanks for tuning in for this recap post. I have been nonstop busy since moving to my site (about a month and a half ago). I’m just beginning to feel like I’m settling into my new life and my new living space now, so I thought I would check back in and let...

So far so good!

I’m back!! Everyone is probably wondering what happened to me over these past few weeks. I’ve been quiet because we’ve been working extra hard lately. So apologies for the long break between posts! I’ll do my best to summarize the whirlwind that has been these last...

We survived our first week!

Hi everyone! We made it safely to Uganda and have successfully completed our first week of pre-service training (PST). 9 more weeks to go before swearing in as a volunteer! Until then, my cohort of 46 will maintain the title- Peace Corps Trainees. Up until now, I’ve...

Goodbyes are hard

*Disclaimer: Mom, I love you and I’m not trying to make you cry, I swear!! For months and months we have all been anticipating saying goodbye, but I couldn’t have imagined it being as hard as today has been. I’ve been constantly on the verge of tears for the last...